
Monday, 19 September 2016

Petero the famer

Once upon a time there was an famer called Petero and he Lived in a skimpy farm. One day the wicked witches came stealing all his cows. Next Petero went to find his cows. Then he went to the rainbow castle. Suddenly the giants appeared from the haunted woods and Petero said "can you help me find my cows pretty please" and the giants said "yes" and they found the cows at the back of the gorgeous stone castle.

Petero The Farmer

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Book review

Lightning bolt

Once upon a time there was a frog called Lighting bolt he lived in a Jungle. One day Lighting bolt went exploring for a water hole and he got lost. Next he found a troop of wee drogans andthen the dad came chacing  him because he gots good smelling. Then his adnenture was about killing the dragons. After that he ate the dragon in a pot of soup. Finally he carried on and he found his water hole.

Lightning Bolt

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


Once upon a time there was a man called Najari  he lived in a cottage by the forest. His car was Optimus prime . One day Najari went for a swim in the lake and he saw a alligator So he quickly got out the lake. Next Najari got his gun and shot the alligator. Then Optimus prime and Najari went to have a feed at Mac Donalds. After that they went home. Finally Optimus prime went home to.


My first animatioin

Friday, 27 May 2016

Te Tuhi

 Room25 went to Ta Tuhi in a bus. We made houses out of shapes and we drew in our house. In my house i had a pool with a baseball hoop. After that we walked to the art gallary and we had a look at caves andthen we went to a dark place where there was a gigantic tv . Finally we went on the bus all the way back to class  

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Fia fia

On Thursday night we had fia fia. After the fijian group it's the hip hop group and we went on the stage and performed in frant of thousands of peoples and it was cool and exciting.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Easter bunny.

Once upon a time the Easter bunny jumped in his car and drove away. One day the Easter bunny was crying because he lost his easter eggs. The Easter bunny saw a dog eating his easter eggs he went to shooe it away. After that the easter eggs finally he gave his Easter eggs to the kids and they had a party.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

T-Rex eating stegosaurus

Once upon a time there was a T—Rex. He has sharp teeth and he is big and a mea eater. He lives in a open grassy field. The T-Rex saw a T-Rex saw a stegosaurus and they had a fight and the T-Rex ate him up.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Pokomono run away

Once upon a time pokemon was geting chased by someone so he could get locked up. Pokomono ran fast as he can same as the man and Pokomono was fast and he couldn't get him

Friday, 19 February 2016

Dragon Slayer

Once upon a time there was a brave knight who went in the creepy forest. The knight saw a
dragon and he slayed the dragon.