
Wednesday 21 August 2019

Information about a Octopoda

Writing an information report

Public domain image

WALT understand the various habitats of the rocky shore.

WALT summarise ideas into our own words.

Task 1: Complete the Help! Can you outsmart an octopus? worksheet.

Task 2: Add notes to each of the headings around the class.
Task 3: Write up an information report.

Common name: Octopus

Scientific name: Octopoda

Te Reo Māori name: Wheke

Hi this is my information report about a octopus.I hope you enjoy my information of a octopus.


→ 200 meters depth in the ocean, pacific ocean, they like shallow water.


→ They eat little fish, crab insides and shellfish insides.

Behaviour/ movement

→ They swim straight, they use their tentacles to walk on land.

Special features (adaptations)

Include a labelled diagram in this section
→ They can blend in with the sand and rocks , they have 3 hearts to live, 9 brains, if you squeeze the octopuses head off it will still be alive and fart out ink to get away from their predators.

Thank you for looking at my information please comment what information I missed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tyson I liked how you have done a creature in the water and wrote facts about the creature in the water


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