
Thursday 14 March 2019

Year 5 and 6 29th annual camp.

Last week we had a camp for year 5 and 6 camp welcome to the 29th annual camp we had it on the Pt England School field.

Camp is a thing where they go sleeping outside and playing around in the park.The year 5 and 6 started on the fife week on the start of the year.On the amazing field in Pt England School we had to get instructions from the owner of the activity.

We did cyclo ball and killer zone.We had to sleep in the tents on the field it was so hot that the boys took their t-shirt off for the night.

Killer zone is a teamwork activity we had to work as a team to win it was challenging we won but didn’t get teaze them because it was a hard match.Then our leader went up and said a few kind words to the other team.

We eat in the morning,afternoon and night it is so yummy I would want them for next year camp because everyone went for seconds.

Thank you for reading and thank you Mr Burt for making this happen I want to thank the helpers for the delicious food and for keeping us safe.

I learned to work as a team to be helpful and to use the 3 p’s of waitangi.The 3 p’s of waitangi is protection which means to protect your team and back them up.Partnership means to be a good buddy to your friend.Participation means to get included and to get your other teammates to share their ideas.

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