
Thursday 28 May 2020

Cruella de Vil writing.

Once upon a time there lived a ugly horrible looking monster name Cruella de Vil, she made fur coats and thought she was pretty in them but little do you know she made her fur coats out of puppy fur, she would always go to Roger and Anita’s house and Roger would play with the instruments in the attic, he would sing and play the piano trumpet and many other.

Three weeks later I walk on the street and see Cruella de Vil holding fifteen puppies walking to where ever she lives, so I followed her, I saw she was on the second puppy so I ran in and said stop, you are treating puppies weirdly and I don’t like it she said “how do you know I live here” I said “I saw your horrible body walking across the street and followed you here” she said “get out” I said “no” and ran opened the door and all the puppies ran out besides the last one on her hand.

I ran and pushed her into her boiling water when she was in the air she threw the puppy so I ran and the puppy landed on it’s legs so we ran before we left I laughed at her and saw her fur coat getting wet so I ran to Roger and Anita’s house and said “you don’t need to do anymore work for that ugly Cruella de Vil.

The End.

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